Rimi customers are now able to see the carbon footprint of milk and egg products in ecommerce

Rimi customers are now able to see the carbon footprint of milk and egg products in ecommerce

In order to achieve even more positive changes in environmental sustainability and to implement the Science Based Targets (SBT), Rimi Baltic together with the Swedish climate intelligence platform CarbonCloud has launched a pilot project on the Rimi estore, where dairy and egg products are accompanied by information on their CO2 footprint. This will enable Rimi customers to find out the carbon footprint of their chosen products and make more environmentally friendly choices by comparing them with each other.  

Every product that customers buy in store not only has a price, but also a carbon footprint and so-called environmental cost, as production generates carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. Knowing the impact of emissions can help us better understand these processes and make more informed choices that benefit the planet. As part of ICA Gruppen, Rimi Baltic has joined the Science-Based Targets initiative to help reduce its customers' climate impact by 30% by 2030 compared to 2022. To achieve this goal, Rimi is working with CarbonCloud, a Swedish platform known for its expertise in calculating CO₂ footprints. 

CarbonCloud uses data from product suppliers to calculate CO₂ values, ensuring that each product's footprint reflects its true environmental impact. CarbonCloud calculations follow a defined methodology. CO₂e - carbon dioxide equivalent - is a way to measure the impact of all greenhouse gases in one simple number. Different greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, affect the climate differently - some cause more warming, while others stay in the atmosphere longer. To compare their effects, scientists use a kind of 'exchange rate' called the Global Warming Potential (GWP). This shows how much warming a gas causes compared to carbon dioxide. Using CO₂e, the total climate impact of a product can be expressed in a single, easier-to-understand metric. 

This function is currently being tested in a pilot project for egg and dairy products. After evaluation of the results of the pilot project, information on CO₂ values could also be made available for other products in the Rimi e-shop. 

"By choosing products with lower CO₂ values or a smaller carbon footprint, shoppers help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Over time, these choices can make a significant contribution to slowing climate change and protecting our planet for future generations. The CO₂ footprint provides information to help make greener choices - now every egg and dairy shopper can see the CO₂ impact of their purchases, just like checking the sugar or fat content of a product. This helps to make more sustainable choices," explains Zanda Šadre, Corporate Responsibilty Director at Rimi Baltic.

Learn more:

In Estonian: https://www.rimi.ee/epood/ee/susiniku-jalajalg

In Latvian: https://www.rimi.lv/izverte-savu-oglekla-pedas-nospiedumu-ieperkoties

In Lithuanian: Kokį anglies dioksido pėdsaką palieka jūsų pirkinys?

When shopping in the Rimi e-store and choosing dairy products and eggs, the customer will be able to recognize a special symbol next to the product information. 

Rimi shoppers can also reduce their CO₂ footprint by using reusable shopping bags, choosing local and seasonal products, eating a more plant-based diet, reducing food waste, walking, cycling or taking public transport to the store, buying in bulk, using digital receipts and supporting sustainable brands that offer eco-friendly packaging and have achieved Fair Trade, FSC or Organic certification. 

ICA is the first Nordic grocery retailer to have science-based zero climate targets endorsed by the Science Based Targets (SBTi) initiative. Emissions from the food sector account for 25-30% of global emissions. As a key player in the food chain, ICA wants to lead by example and contribute to reducing global warming in line with the Paris Agreement. The targets mean that different types of emissions must be reduced at different rates and with clear milestones by 2030 and 2050. In 2050, the remaining emissions will have to be offset by storing an appropriate amount of carbon dioxide through technology or natural means. 

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